Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Country Bears

Principal cast: Christopher Walken and the voice of the kid from Sixth Sense
The Gist: A bunch of animatronic bears who live with humans (which no one seems to find weird) reunite their band to save Chris Walken from crushing their town hall
Year: 2002
Who's Responsible: Disney
MPAA Rating: PG because the bears are kinda creepy
Content: Nothing worth noting
Run time: 88 min
Suggested drinking game: Drink any time a bear creeps you out, and every time you feel sorry for Christopher Walken. Basically, you should be drinking almost nonstop. It's the only way to get through this.
Suggested drink/snack: Gummy bears.
Why you should watch it: To see Christopher Walken at his lowest. Even lower than SNL.
Why you might want to avoid it: Many reasons. Mainly because there is little redeeming quality. Walken doesn't even play any cowbell.
Overall Bad Movie Night rating: D-

The idea of watching an actor like Christopher Walken interact with animatronic bears sounds funny enough, but the boring Disneyland ride the film is based off of would be a funner time.